

This calculation counts the number of occurrences of values within each interval over the entire data series.  There are several methods of doing this.  The user dictates which method to use by setting the parameters. 

The first method is to have the function automatically decide the number of bins, and create them for you.  The second method is to specify the total number of bins that the data is to be sorted into.  The option to remove outliers can be applied to either of these methods.  If Remove Outliers is set to true, any data points that are more 2 Standard Deviations or more away from the average will not be counter. 

If the Rectify Input option is set to true, the input will be rectified prior to the histogram function being performed.

In the script, the calculation is performed by calling built in function .hist(…) on the input data series.  This returns a data series containing points that correlate to bins. 




