Calculations > Time Shift



Time Shift Length

Specify the amount by which to shift the data.  This value is added to the abscissa of each data point in the input series to produce an output data series.  If the value is positive, the data series will be shifted forwards in time (to the right).  If the value is negative, the data series will be shifted backwards in time (to the left).


Allows the time shift length to be specified in seconds or in points.  Seconds are measured relative to the input data sampling rate.

Zero Pad Data

If the time shift is negative (to the left), then if checked, zero padding will be applied to the right of the data series so the last sample maintains the same location in time.  If the time shift is positive (to the right), then if checked zero padding will be applied to the left of the data series so the first sample maintains the same location in time.  By zero padding data points may be added to the data series, but under no condition will data points be removed from the series.