
The strong relational database in EMGworks 4 associates each collected data set with both a subject and operator.  For quick data collection or preliminary testing, EMGworks will automatically use a predefined “default subject” as the subject and a predefined “administrator” as the operator.  When editing a configuration, you can access the subject and operator from the people node in the configuration tree.  You can also add subjects and operators into the database and edit their properties from this node.  In order to search for a subject in the drop down, type the first few letters of their name while the drop down is focused.  The identity of the subject determines if a person is accessible on the subject tab or the operator tab.  At any time, users can be added and edited from the application menu.

A user has a first and last name.  There is also a display name field, which can be a short version of the user’s actual name, or a code to ensure patient confidentiality.  The display name is used to identify the user through EMGworks rather than their actual first or last names.  There are optional fields to input the user’s address, gender, date of birth, weight, height, and a freeform comments section for other information.  Each user can also have a picture associated; the picture data is stored within the database.

The user identity defines a user as a subject or an operator.  If a single person will act as both a subject and an operator, we suggest creating two users for that person, one with a  subject identity and one with an operator identity.

If several subjects will be run under the same experiment workflow in quick succession, clicking the Next Subject button allows selecting the next subject without re-loading the configuration.