Step 1: Create and Name the Script File

1. Display the Script Manager pane by selecting View -> Script Manager.

2. Right click in the script manager and select New Script...


3. This will create a default script template which we can modify to create the script.  Begin by editing the script header and namespace so it appears as below.

* Data Segment Removal Tutorial Script
* @name Data Segment Removal
* @version
* @author Your Name
* @signed 0
* @namespace DSR

DSR = {
Calculate : function()
    // enter the logic for your script here
    // assign outputs to MYS.Output.ExampleOutputA

Input : 5,

              ExampleOutputA: {seq: 1, name: "First Example Output"},
              ExampleOutputB: {seq: 2, name: "Second Example Output"},

Validate : function()
              if (false /* replace with a test for invalid parameters */)
                 return "Error message text.";

     ExampleInputA: {seq: 1, name: "Series Input", type: "series"},
     ExampleInputB: {seq: 2, name: "Numeric Input", type:"number", initial: 5, min: 3, max: 10},
     ExampleInputC: {seq: 3, name: "Boolean Input", type: "bool", initial : "false"},
     ExampleInputD: {seq: 4, name: "Enumeration Input", type: {"enum" :[ "Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"]}, initial: "Option 2"},